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xfadeIn 1 8
  $ stut 8 0.5 0.5
  $ gap 2
  $ fast 2
  $ slowcat [
    note (scale "dorian" "0 2 0 4"),
    note (scale "dorian" "0 2 0 4"),
    palindrome $ note (scale "dorian" "0 2 0 4"),
    palindrome $ note (scale "dorian" "0 2 0 4")
  # sound "arpy"
  # vowel "<o a e e i i o u>"
  # orbit 1

xfadeIn 2 16
  $ stack [
    sound "mamady:1(3,8)"
      # speed "<0.5 0.4>"
      # cut 1
      # begin 0.18 # end 0.33,
    note (scale "dorian" "1(5,8)")
      # sound "[mamady:1, mamady:0/4]"
      # begin "<0.5!3 0.4!3>" # end "<0.6!3 0.45!3>"
      # gain 1 # shape 0.1
      # room 0.3 # size 0.3
      # lpf (slow 8 $ range 800 1200 sine)
  # orbit 2

xfadeIn 3 4
  $ fast (choose [1, 1, 1, 2, 3])
  $ stut 8 0.75 0.25
  $ sometimes (chop 8)
  $ superimpose (# vowel "[i|o|a]")
  $ slow 4
  $ sound "<mamady:1 mamady:1? joenio>"
  # speed "[0.8|0.6|1.2|1]"
  # att 0.4 # rel 0.8
  # comb (slow 4 $ palindrome $ range 0.1 0.9 sine)
  # orbit 3

xfadeIn 4 8
  $ stack [
    every 4 (superimpose (jux (fast 2) . (# gain 0.6)))
      $ stack [
        sound "bd*4",
        rarely ((stut 8 0.75 0.125) . (# gain 0.8)) $ sound "cp" # gain 0,
        sound "hh27*8" # pan (sine)
      # speed (1 + (sine * 0.1))
      # orbit 4,
  every 9 ((# size 1) . (# room 1) . (# gain 0.9))
    $ sometimes (off 0.125 (# n (irand 4)))
    $ stack [
     sound "[808(5,8) 808mt(3,8)]" # n "1"
    # attack 0.125 # release 1 # decay 0.5
    # release 1
    # gain 0.8
    # room 0.1 # size 0.2
    # lpf 1200
    |- gain (rand * 0.2)
    # orbit 5

xfadeIn 2 16 $ silence

xfadeIn 1 32 $ silence

xfadeIn 4 32 $ silence

xfadeIn 3 32 $ silence


from: joenio
to: mamady
2022, paris, fr

afalfl-song.mp3 - afalfl-song.ogg - source code

made with free software